Law and Practice of Notice


Part II of the book was devoted to the law relating to meeting while Part I was devoted to the relevant law governing 'resolutions' under the Companies Act, 1956, and the form of such 'resolution' to be passed both at meetings of the Board and General Meeting of the shareholders or creditors. It laid focus also on the requirements for adopting any kind of resolution consequent on the various amendments to the Companies Act and for giving effect, at the same time, to some of the notifications and clarifications issued in this behalf. In this part the law and practice relating to notice are dealt with.


Notice to Resolution


A resolution is a consensus on a particular issue placed before a meeting, either of the members of the Board or of the general body of the company duly notified and convened as per the law in force. The process involves the issue of a duly approved notice by the authority empowered to convene the meeting, the actual assembly of the body in accordance with such notice, recording of the proceedings and resolutions at such assembly of the matters set out in the 'Notice' so that the decisions so recorded bind everybody notwithstanding individual disagreement.


What is a Notice


A 'notice', to put it simply is a means of communication to the interested persons of the matters intended to be decided upon by persons having interest in such matters. It, thus, amounts to announcement of the intention of taking certain action. A general notice sometimes fulfils, to a great extent, certain social objective such as putting a 'caution notice' before a level crossing, a 'notice board' indicating deep water mark, etc.


Part covers requirements of Notice


The social aspect of a notice is beyond the scope of this book. This part is intended to cover the various requirements of notices within the bounds of the Companies Act, 1956, for holding a 'meeting' and adoption of 'resolutions' thereat or for conveying the intention of the company to the members or vice versa.


Service of Notice


The Act also prescribes certain time schedules as also the procedure for service of different types of notices. However, the Board decision to notify certain matters to a person under a delegated authority is not to be construed as a service of notice to the persons concerned. A notice can be said to be given when the party, for whom it is intended, receives the notice.

Provisions in Act about service of notice


The Act makes a significant departure from the above decision, justifiably, for the better management of the affairs of the company. Section 53 of the Companies Act, 1956 for example, prescribes the procedure for the service of documents on members by a company by laying down that


(1) A document may be served by a company on any member(s) thereof either personally, or by sending it by post to him to his registered address, or if he has no registered address in India to the address, if any, within India supplied by him to the company for the service of notices to him.


(2) Where a document is sent by post


(a) service thereof shall be deemed to be effected by properly addressing, prepaying and posting a letter containing the document, provided that where a member has intimated to the company in advance that documents should be sent to him under a certificate of posting or by registered post with or without acknowledgment due and has deposited with the company a sum sufficient to defray the expenses of doing so, service of the documents shall not be deemed to be effected unless it is sent to him in manner intimated by the member; and


(b) such service shall be deemed to have been effected


(i) in the case of a notice of a meeting, at the expiration of forty-eight hours after the letter containing the same is posted; and


(ii) in any other case, at the time when the letter would be delivered in the ordinary course of post.


(3) A document advertised in a newspaper circulating in the neighborhood of the registered office of the company shall be deemed to be duly served, on the day on which the advertisement appears, on every member of the company who has no registered address in India and has not supplied to the company an address within India for the giving of notices to him.


(4) A document may be served by the company on the joint-holders of a share by serving it on the joint-holder named first in the register in respect of the share.


(5) A document may be served by the company on the persons entitled to a share in consequence of the death or insolvency of a member by sending it through the post in a prepaid letter addressed to them by name, or by the title of representatives of the deceased, or assignees of the insolvent, or by any like description, at the address, if any, in India supplied for the purpose by the persons claiming to be entitled, or until such an address has been supplied, by serving the document in any manner in which it might have been served if the death or insolvency had not occurred.


The Act provides sanction for accidental omission of posting and sending out of the notices or communication when made by post. It is sufficiently clear that in the absence of any particular direction given by the member concerned, the post office should be considered as the agent of such member and delivery of a letter in the ordinary course of post should be construed as the delivery made of the document or notice to the member concerned.


Mode of notice


Although Court of law often takes cognizance of oral or verbal notice, in the circumstances of a particular case, there is no room for such oral form of notice under the Act.


The form, contents and the manner of service of notices under the Act, without any significant departure from the general rules of law, are well directed, defined and bound by prescribed procedure.


Statutory, directory notice or notices having publicity value (S. 172)


Certain notices, pursuant to the Companies Act, are statutory in nature. For instance, section 172 of the Act not only prescribes the requirements for service of notice on the members and other persons mentioned therein, but also lays down the exact form in which a notice has to be given, on whom such notice is to be served, and the manner in which such service of notice is to be carried out. In clause (ii) of sub-section (2) of section 172 of the Act, the procedure has been laid down for service of notices to the persons entitled to a share in consequence of the death or insolvency of a member, viz., sending it through the post in a prepaid letter addressed to them by name or by the title of representative of the deceased, or assignees of the insolvent, or by any like description, at the address, if any, in India supplied for the purpose by the persons claiming to be so entitled, or until such an address has been so supplied, by giving the notice in any manner in which it might have been given, if the death or insolvency had not occurred. The proviso to the said sub-section is important which enacts that-'where the notice of the meeting is given by advertising the same in a newspaper circulating in the neighborhood of the registered office of the company under sub-section (3) of section 53, the statement of material facts, referred to in section 173, need not be annexed to the notice as required by that section but it shall be mentioned in the advertisement that the statement has been forwarded to the members of the company'.


Publication of Notice (S. 154)


Notices having publicity value are of recent origin. It is not a compulsion under the Act to inform the members through press advertisement the working results of the company. But, such a publication of quarterly or six monthly unaudited working results has been made obligatory in the case of listed companies, by the listing agreement entered into with the Stock Exchange/s. It is quite often observed that the companies give notice under section 154 of the Act pertaining to closure of register of members and share transfer books, details of recommendation as to dividend for the year or an account of the forthcoming bonus issue for which the Central Government's sanction just has been obtained, or a synopsis of the working of the company during the year in question.


Publication of Notice when prefunctory


Some of the notices, though prescribed under the articles of individual companies, are prefunctory in nature. Thus, press advertisement notifying loss of share scrip, allotment letter, dividend or interest warrants, or documents in connection with the carrying out of the functions of share/debentures issue etc., though not required to be served strictly under the directive of the Act, are contractual in nature and aimed at warning those who may have a claim thereof affording protection to the concerned company from the risk to the issue of a duplicate share certificate or the like.


Notices on the company (S. 51)


As it is the duty of the company to inform its members on certain matters for which the company is to follow certain procedure to constitute valid notice under the Act, the articles of the company prescribe action which would constitute service of documents on the company. Pursuant to section 51 of the Act, a document may be served on the company or an officer thereof by sending it to the company or officer at the registered office of the company or by leaving it at its registered office. A notice in the usual course addressed to the company and handed over to the Director of the company had been adjudged as valid notice served on the company. Benabo v. Jay Willames and Partners Limited, (1941) 1 Ch 52 : (1940) 4 All ER 196. Where the Act prescribes authority in the articles as the guiding factor, the articles are subservient to the Act. In regard to service of document/ notice on a company, pursuant to section 51 of the Act, any contrary provisions contained in the articles are not enforceable nor can they limit the mode of service. Sadasiv v. Gandhi Seva Samaj, AIR 1958 Born 247 : (1958) 28 Com Cases 137. In any event, when a person chooses to serve any document on a company by post, pursuant to section 51 of the Act in order to constitute a valid notice, it should be either under certificate of posting or by registered post. Service of notice on a company, for the purpose of filing a suit, by. service on the office assistant of the company is not a got service. Nicco Corporation Ltd. v. Cethar Vessels Ltd., (1998) 92 Com Cases 748 (Mad).


Service of documents on the Registrar (S. 52)


A document may be served on a Registrar by sending it to him at his office by post under a certificate of posting or by registered post or by delivering it to or leaving it for him at his office.


Form of notices


Servicing of notices by a company either pursuant to the requirements of the Act or the relevant articles of such company, to its members/debenture-holders, is comparatively frequent. A notice must be properly authenticated, to be a valid one. Various sections of the Act or the articles of a company bestow powers upon the Board to convene an Annual General Meeting of the company or a General Meeting as and when necessary. With the authority conferred upon by the Board, a document detailing the business to be transacted at such meeting may be signed for and on behalf of the Board by a Director, Secretary or other authorised officer of the company and need not be under its common seal.


A notice irrespective of its object


Such a notice must be fairly and intelligibly framed. It must not be vague, misleading or equivocal. It must convey clearly to the mind of an ordinarily intelligent person the required information. It is not enough that the sender of the notice intents that it should be read in a particular way for the receiver is entitled to put any reasonable construction on it and if, according to that alternative construction the notice is insufficient, the sender is estopped from saying that his interpretation is true one. If the notice is misleading, it is bad for it fails in its end. It follows that the resolution which was passed under such notice is bad in law as it was not understood by the members/creditors in its proper prospective.


Where the notice called the meeting with a view to effecting reconstruction, and to approve, inter alia, of an agreement, but it did not disclose the fact that several of the Directors were interested, it was held that the notice was insufficient and it ought to have disclosed the material facts and interest of the persons concerned in the proposed arrangement. Tiessen v. Henderson, (1899) 1 Ch 861.


Prescribed length of Notice


The persons authorised to serve notice are to abide by the directives prescribed under the Act as regards length of notice or the time to be allowed for the interested persons to act or react on the communication(s) of the things to be done and the intention to do certain things. The length prescribed for a notice to be served by a company on its members, or the Registrar, or by a member on the company differs with regard to each recipient.


Length of notice for calling a general meeting (S. 171)


(a) For convening a statutory meeting, pursuant to section 165 of the Act, the Board of Directors shall, at least twenty-one days before the meeting is held, forward a statutory report along with the notice convening the meeting.


(b) Pursuant to sub-section (1) of section 171 of the Act, a General Meeting of a company may be called by giving not less than twenty-one days' notice in writing.


(c) Pursuant to sub-section (2) of section 171, a General Meeting may be called after giving shorter notice than that specified in item (b) above, if the consent is accorded thereto


(i) in the case of an annual general meeting, by all the members entitled to vote thereof; and


(ii) in the case of any other meeting, by members of the company holding not less than ninety-five per cent of such part of the paid-up share capital of the company as gives a right to vote at the meeting or if the company has no share capital by members comprising those holding not less than ninety-five per cent of the total voting power exercisable at that meeting.


Notice of Board Meetings (S. 286)


Pursuant to sub-section (1) of section 286 of the Act, 'notice' of every meeting of the Board of Directors of a company must be given in writing to every Director for the time being in India, and at his usual address in India to every other Director. The length and the form of notice of the Board Meeting which have not been prescribed under the Companies Act usually follow such directions as are prescribed in the articles of the company.


The expression 'notice shall be given in writing' indicates the mandatory requirement of service of 'notice' to every Director for the time being in India. The statutory obligation of service of notice to the Directors for purpose of the Board Meeting has been reaffirmed by the Supreme Court. Parameshwari Prasad Gupta v. Union of India, (1974) 44 Com Cases I (SC). The appeal in the instant case arose out of a decision by the Delhi High Court. A General Manager of a fire insurance company-was dismissed pursuant to a decision of the Board of Directors taken at a meeting held on the 16th December, 1953. It was alleged and subsequently confirmed that one of the Directors was not notified of the meeting as required under the law and the articles of the company. Pursuant to the resolution, the Chairman of the Board sent a telegram to the dismissed General Manager stating that his services had been terminated by the company. At a regularly constituted meeting held on 23rd December, 1953, the Board confirmed the minutes of the meeting of the Board of Directors irregularly held on the 16th December and also passed a resolution confirming the act of the Chairman terminating the services of the said General Manager. The Supreme Court held that


(i) the meeting of the Board of Directors held on the 16th December was invalid and the resolution terminating the services of the General Manager in question was inoperative;


(ii)the confirmation at the meeting held on 23rd December of the minutes of the meeting held on the 16th December did not amount to adopting the resolution passed on the 16th December, 1953.


Penalty for not giving notice of a board meeting as required by 286(l) is punishable with fine of Rs. 1,000/-.


Notices by members, on the company (S. 257)


Circulation by a company, of the notices given by members or creditors under different sections of the Act, is not strictly time-bound. There exists, however, limitation as to time when a Director or member can give a notice to the company, pursuant to sub-section (1) of section 257 of the Act, but from the proviso to the aforesaid sub-section, it may be construed that circulation of the text of such notice by a company to the members thereof may be served any time not less than seven days from the date of the meeting. To maintain the principle of allowing enough time to the shareholders to consider the proposed change in the Board, a company is either required to circulate the text of such notice individually to all the shareholders or advertise such text not less than seven days before the meeting in at least two newspapers circulating in the place where the registered office of the company is located, and one of such advertisements should be in English language and the other in the regional language of that place.


Special Notice for Removal of Auditors (S. 225)


Section 225 of the Companies Act provides that a member of a company can serve a ,special notice' on the company for a resolution at an Annual General Meeting for the appointment of Auditor, a person other than a retiring Auditor or providing expressly that the retiring Auditor shall not be re-appointed. The company's duty on receiving such notice is to circulate such notice to the existing Auditor(s) and determine if the retiring Auditor makes any representation with respect thereto. The company has to send a copy of the representations to every member of the company to whom notice of the meeting is sent. If a copy of the representations is not sent as aforesaid because they were received too late or because of the company's default, the retiring Auditor(s) may, without prejudice to his right to be heard personally, require that his representations shall be read out at the meeting.


Allotment of shares (Ss. 71, 72, 73)


Form of application for shares prescribed by companies and meant for filling up and completed by the intending purchasers of shares, is in effect, 'offers' from the applicants for company's acceptance and allotment of shares, as a general rule, without notice to the allottee, is not sufficient to bind him. The applicant has offered to take the shares; if the company intends to bind him by contract, it must, in accordance with ordinary rule, not merely accept the offer, but indicate such acceptance to the applicant or his agent.


The application form now in use covers up the requirement of express notice by insertion of a stipulation agreed to by the applicant that he would be agreeable to accept such smaller number of shares as may be allotted to him pursuant to the discretion of the Directors and directions of the Stock Exchange(s), where the shares are to be listed. Constructive notice from the side of the company with regard to allotment of shares to make it binding on an applicant for shares by insertion of a condition in this form that the company reserves uncontrolled right to accept and allot only part of the shares applied for or totally reject any application is valid. Pursuant to section 73 of the Act which provides many safeguards to the applicants for shares, the company offering shares to the public has also to declare that allotment letters or share certificates or letters of regret, together with refund pay order, if any, would be despatched to the applicant. It is a general practice to treat post office as agents in all the aforesaid matters, and also in any correspondence in this regard.


Basis of Allotment

Offered to Resident Indian Public


In response to the net offer to the Resident Indian Public of _______Equity shares of Rs. 10/- each for cash at a premium of Rs. 25/- per share, the company received 27,466 valid applications for _____Equity Shares, resulting in subscription of 10.04 times of net public offer. The allotment to various categories should be as per SEBI (Disclosure & Investor Protection) Guidelines, 2000, clause 7.6, and should be as fol­lows:


In a public issue of securities, the Executive Director/Man aging Director of the Regional Stock Exchange along with the post issue Lead Merchant Banker and the Registrar to the issue shall be responsible to ensure that the basis of allotment is finalised in a fair and proper manner in accordance with the guidelines given in clause for proportionate allotment. The said proportionate allotment of securities in an issue that is oversubscribed should be subject to the reservation for small individual applicants as described below:


(a) A minimum of 50 per cent of the net offer of securities to the public shall initially be made available for allotment to individual applicants who have applied for allotment equal to or less than 10 marketable lots of shares or debentures or the securities offered, as the case may be.


(b) The balance net 6ffer of securities to the public shall be made available for allotment to investors, including corporate bodies/institutions, irrespective of the number of shares, debentures, etc. applied for, and individual applicants who have applied for allotment of more than 10 marketable lots of shares or debentures or the securities offered, as the case may be.


(c) The unsubscribed portion of the net offer to any one of the categories specified in (a) or (b) shall/m`y be made available for allotment to applicants in the other category, if so required.


Constructive notice


A company, which is a juristic person, is subject to the rules of constructive notice, that is notice which, though not actual notice, is still imputed to a person under the circumstances of the particular case. Thus, notice to the company's agent in any particular matter is to be considered as a notice to the company for all practical purposes unless the agent is guilty of fraud to his principal or has done something not within the jurisdiction of the agent himself. Of course, knowledge of a Director as to a fact is not necessarily notice to the company Hamshire Land Co. In re, (1896) 2 Ch 743.


Twenty One Clear days (S. 171 r/w 53)


Section 171 of the Companies Act prescribes the length of notice a company should give for calling a General Meeting which should be not less than twenty-one days. The expression 'not less than' has been construed as meaning twenty-one clear days, i.e., excluding both the date on which the notice is served and the date of the meeting. Nagappa Chettiar v. Madras Race Club, ILR (1949) Mad 808 : (1949) 1 Mad LJ 662. This should not be overlooked in calculating 'clear days' where a company sends the notice of a General Meeting and accompanying documents by post to a member to his registered address. By virtue of sub-section (2) of section 53, where a document is sent by post, namely, the notice etc. of a General Meeting, the service of notice shall be deemed to be effected at the expiration of forty-eight hours after letter containing the same is posted. It is imperative not only in respect of the provisions of section 53 but also in respect of the provisions of section 171 of the Act under which it is necessary to give clear notice of twenty one days of any General Meeting. By virtue of the provisions of section 53 of the Act, the twenty-one days should be increased by another forty-eight hours making it twenty-three days' notice. Thus, for notice of a General Meeting which has been fixed to be held on the 27th June at 12 O'clock, the notice of the meeting must be despatched by post at any time before 12 O'clock of the 4th June.


Service of notice of a meeting when post office is the agreed media, which usually is, shall be deemed to have been made only when it is posted in an addressed and stamped envelope containing the same. The proof of deposit of the letter for despatch from a particular post office is not necessary.


It should be noted that there may be special instructions given by the members and the service of notice should follow such instructions.



Directors generally (Ss. 252, 253, 259)


A company, incorporated under the Companies Act, 1956, or an existing company, as defined under section 3 of the said Act, is a juristic person having separate legal entity and exists as such quite distinct from the members forming it. A company, though a separate legal entity, cannot function by itself and requires individuals called Directors to function on its behalf within the bounds and restrictions of the Companies Act, the articles of the company, other applicable laws of the country and in accordance with normal corporate practice and precedents.


Section 252 of the Companies Act, prescribes the minimum number of Directors which a company must have for different types of companies as follows :


(1) Every public company (other than a public company which has become such by virtue of section 43A) shall have at least three Directors.

(2) Every 'other' company shall have at least two Directors.

(3) The Directors of a company are collectively referred to as the 'Board of Directors' or 'Board'.


Proviso has been added to section 252(l) by the Companies (Amendment) Act, 2000 requiring a public company having a paid up share capital of Rs. 5 crores or more and 1,000 or more small shareholders to have at least one director elected by such small shareholders in the manner as may be prescribed.


Section 253 of the Act enacts a very important provision making it incumbent that no body corporate or association or firm shall be appointed Director of a company, and only an individual shall be so appointed.


Section 259 provides a ceiling on the maximum number of Directors a company may ordinarily appoint; for any appointment of Directors beyond this maximum number, the approval of the Central Government is necessary. This ceiling is inclusive of Additional Directors but exclusive of alternate Directors. The provision of this section covers companies as were in existence before the coming into force of the Companies Act, 1956, and enacts the following in regard thereto:


S. 259.-In the case of a public company or a private company which is a subsidiary of a public company, any increase in the number of its Directors except


(a) in the case of a company which was in existence on the 21st day of July, 1951, any increase which was within the permissible maximum under its articles as in force on that date; and


(b) in the case of a company which came or may come into existence after that date, an increase which is within the permissible maximum under its articles as first registered, shall not have any effect unless approved by the Central Government, and shall become void if, and in so far as, it is disapproved by that Government:


Provided that where such permissible maximum is twelve or less than twelve, no approval of the Central Government shall be required if' the increase in the number of its Directors does not make the total number of its Directors more than twelve.


Number of Directors (S. 252)


Regulation 64 of the Table 'A' in Schedule I to the Companies Act, 1956, provides for minimum and maximum number of Directors to be fixed by the Articles of Association of a company subject to the provisions of the Act. A public company must have at least three Directors, whereas a deemed public company under section 43A or a private company must have minimum two Directors. Any provision in the articles prescribing a number below the prescribed minimum number of Directors under sec. 252 will be ultra vires and bad in law. The articles of a company in most cases fix a maximum number of twelve or less than twelve. However, the number of Directors will not be taken as exceeding the limit fixed by the articles in the following cases


(i)         Directors appointed under section 408, by the Central Government;

(ii)        Directors appointed under section 397 or 398 by the Court;

(iii)       Directors nominated by the Industrial Finance Corporation of India/Industrial Development Bank of India/Unit Trust of India/Life Insurance Corporation of India/State Financial Corporation/Board for Industrial and Financial Reconstruction.


Any increase in the number of Directors on the Board of a company beyond what is provided in the articles but within twelve would involve alteration of the articles only and is done by passing a Special Resolution with three-fourths of' the members present and voting for it.


Any increase in the number of Directors within the permissible limit fixed by the articles does not, however, require any special procedure and may be done by an Ordinary Resolutions. But it' the number of Directors is increased beyond twelve the approval of the Central Government will be required in any case.


Board's general powers (Ss. 291, 292)


The Board of Directors, and not an individual Director, is the repository of power to look after the affairs of the company subject to such restrictions and conditions of the Act or the Articles of Association of the concerned company. The Board, however, may by a resolution passed at a meeting delegate some of its powers as provided by section 292(l) proviso to any one or more committees called committee of the Board of Directors, Any committee so formed shall, in the exercise of the powers so delegated, to any regulations that may be imposed on it by the Board. (Reg. 77(2)).


Audit Committee (S. 292A)


Companies (Amendment) Act, 2000 has inserted a new section 292A providing for constitution of an Audit Committee by every public company having paid-up share capital of not less than Rs. 5 crores. Such an Audit Committee should consist of not less than three directors and such number of other directors as the board of' directors may determine of which two-thirds of the total number of members should be directors other than the managing director or whole-time directors.


Frequency of Board Meetings (S. 285)


It is incumbent on the Board/committee of the Board (if any) to meet periodically to discharge the duties of the management of the company and section 285 of the Act prescribes the minimum number of times the Board of Directors of a company should meet. The provisions are :


"S. 285 -In the case of every company, a meeting of its Board of Directors shall be held at least once in every three months and at least four such meetings shall be held in every year :


Provided that the Central Government may, by notification in the Official Gazette, direct that the provisions of this section shall not apply in relation to any class of companies or shall apply in relation thereto subject to such exception, modifications or conditions as may be specified in the notification."


Section 285 of the Act lays down two conditions to be observed:


(a)        the gap between two meetings should not be more than three months, i.e., the days comprising the months are ignored. Thus, a meeting of the Board if held on the 15th January, the next meeting may be held on the 30th April. The latitude is inferred from the wording of the section as regards the holding of the meeting which placed stress on month which means calendar month.


(b)        There should be at least four meetings at least in each year, be it calendar year or financial year.


The pertinent point here is that whereas 'month' is to be reckoned as 'calendar month', the year may be considered a 'financial year' of the company or a 'calendar year'.


Following, however, the definition of 'financial year' in section 2(17) of the Act and 'year as referred to in section 285, it would be safe to assume 'year' as a calendar year and follow the provisions of holding at least four Board of Directors meetings in each calendar year.


Notice of Board Meetings (S. 286)


Section 286 of the Act makes it obligatory for any company, either public or private, to give notice of every meeting of the Board of Directors in writing to every Director for the time being in India, and at his usual address in India to every other Director. Notice sent by facsimile is adequate notice. Ferruies Sias v. Jai Manga Ram Mukki, (1994) 1 Comp LJ 345 (Del).


In the case of a foreign collaborator with considerable stake it is desirable and in the fitness of things that there should he a requirement of either I month or the date of the next meeting should be fixed at the proceeding meeting. Boirow v. SBL Ltd., (1998) 4 Comp LJ 163 (CLB-PB).


Serving notice of a General Meeting is obligatory by statute, so also the notice convening a meeting of the Board of' Directors. For convening a General Meeting, section 171 of the Act prescribes a minimum length of time which shall be not less than twenty one days' notice in writing but which may be shortened with the consent of all the members (ninety-five per cent in the case of meeting other than Annual General Meeting). There had been no statutory prescription of time in regard to notice to be given for convening a Board Meeting. The norm followed in each case is whether there had been sufficient notice of the meeting convened, to the individual Directors. An individual Director has no power to waive the right to a notice con-vening a Board Meeting; only constructive notice may be construed where the articles of the company provide for the holding of Board Meetings on a specified day; on a particular day of the week of a month or months. Even if the Directors at a meeting resolve not to have any formal notice and do not also object to the absence of notice or where the absent Directors do not complain of want of notice, the proceedings of the meeting will not be valid, even if such proceedings are ratified at a subsequent meeting at which the absent Directors are present. Bharat Fire and General Insurance Co. Ltd. v. P`rameshwari Prasad Gupta, (1974) 44 Comp Cases1 (SC).


The Companies Act does not prescribe any form or procedure for the issue of notice for the purposes of Board Meeting. Table 'A' of Schedule I to the Act in clause 73(2) provides a procedure and authority competent to issue notice. Under the said clause, a Director may, and the Manager or Secretary, on the requisition of a Director, shall, at any time summon a meeting of the Board.


The usual procedure that is followed is that the Directors at a meeting already convened and held tentatively decide a convenient date for the purpose of holding the next Board Meeting with an authority given usually to the Secretary of the company to issue notice of the meeting in appropriate time. Any of the Directors intending to attend such meeting may thereafter propose a different date and on receipt of such request, either a notice is issued convening a Board Meeting per decision of the previous Board Meeting or a new notice may be given in cancellation of the earlier notice.


Unlike the notice of the General Meeting of a company, the notice of the Board Meeting need not contain any of the items of business, and unless the article of a company requires inclusion of the items of the business to be transacted, the list of businesses need not be inserted in the notice of meeting.


With the growing professionalisation of the company management, it has become almost a practice for a standard type of company to enclose an agenda likely to be considered at the meeting of the Board for which the notice is given. Instead of inserting the bare items of business, it has been considered convenient to enclose completely drawn agenda with supporting annexures for the full appraisal of the Directors of the business to be transacted in the meeting.


Board Meeting


S. 286- 'Notice' convening a Board Meeting



                                                                                                                                    ANAND 388001,

Dated the_____,2003____




Shri, XYZ


Dear Sir, Notice is hereby given that a meeting of the Board of Directors will be held at the registered office of the Company at Anand 388001, on   the ______,2003______, at ________,a.m./P.m.


You are requested to make it convenient to attend the meeting.


A copy of the agenda of the businesses which are likely to be transacted at the meeting is enclosed for your perusal.


Yours faithfully,




Encl : as above

(each Director should be individually

addressed with a copy of agenda

of the meeting)



S. 286  -Notice convening a Board Meeting (Another format)




ANAND 388001          

Dated the ____,2003____




Shri XYZ

Anand 388001,


Dear Sir,


Notice is hereby given that a meeting of the Board of Directors of the Company will be held at the head office of the company at Anand 388001,on_______   the ______, 2003 __________ at _____a.m./p.m. to consider thereat the businesses as per the enclosed agenda.


Yours faithfully,



Encl: as above


Notice canceling Board Meeting


There is no statutory obligation that once a meeting of Board has been convened it has to be held as scheduled. A notice convening a Board Meeting may be altogether cancelled, after informing the Board Members by giving another notice of cancellation.


Cancellation of Board Meeting


S. 286-Notice canceling the Board Meeting




            ANAND 388001

Dated the ____,2003____




Shri XYZ

Anand 388001,


Dear Sir,


Notice is hereby given that a meeting of the Board of Directors of the Company notified to be held at the registered office of the Company on the______ the______            2003 _______ at ________a.m./p.m. has been can­celled due to unavoidable reasons. The date of the next Board Meeting shall be informed to you by a fresh notice in due course accompanied by a fresh agenda.


Inconvenience is regretted.


Yours faithfully,




Amendment in Notice of Board Meeting


S. 286-Amendment in Notice of Board Meeting already sent to Directors due to change of venue of the meeting





ANAND 388001


                                                                                                                                    Dated the___2003, ____,



            Shri XYZ

            Anand 388001,


Dear Sir,


Re : Change of venue of the Meeting


Notice is hereby given that the Board Meeting Scheduled to be held  on_____ day at_____ at_____ p.m. will be held on the same date and at the same time but at a different place. The changed venue of the said Board Meeting will

be ____________________________________________________________________________.


Inconvenience if any caused to the Board Members is regretted.




Yours faithfully,




A notice cancelling a Board Meeting and simultaneously giving of a fresh no­tice for a Board Meeting is served is quite common


There is a line of distinction between cancellation of a notice of a meeting and postponement of the date of a meeting. In the former case, it indicates that the business to be transacted at such cancelled meeting a has been substantially altered or added whereas postponement signifies a meeting to be held on some other date to transact the business already notified.


One point, however, should be remembered that in the case of Board Meeting, the Board may discuss and transact any other business irrespective of what has been notified through the agenda.


Fresh Board Meeting


S. 286-Notice of afresh Board Meeting




                                                                                                                                    Anand 388001,

                                                                                                                                    Dated the _____,2003_____,


Shri XYZ

Anand 388001,


Dear Sir,


Notice is hereby given that a meeting of the Board of Directors of the Company notified to be held at the _____on ____the 2003_____at   a.m./p.m. has been cancelled, due to non-availability of the re­view of the meeting on that particular date.


A further notice is hereby given that a meeting of the Board of Directors of the Company will be held on _____the ____2003____at a.m./p.m. at the registered office of the Company at Anand 388001, A fresh agenda of the business to be transacted at the aforesaid meeting is enclosed for your perusal.


Yours faithfully,




Postponement of Board Meeting


S. 286-Notice of a postponed Board Meeting




Anand 388001,

                                                                                                                                    Dated the ____,2003____




Shri XYZ

Anand 388001,


Dear Sir,


Kindly take notice that the meeting of the Board of Directors notified to be held on_____ the___ 2003____at ____a.m./p.m. has been postponed at the request of Mr.__________,(a Director of the com­pany) and it will now be held on the _____2003 ,____at_____ a.m./p.m. at the registered office of the company. The agenda of the busi­ness, as sent along with the earlier notice, will be considered at the said meeting.


You are requested to make it convenient to attend the meeting. Any inconvenience caused to you because of the postponement of the meeting is regretted.


Yours faithfully,




Notice of adjourned meeting (S. 288)


A Board Meeting may be adjourned because the proceedings remained inconclusive at a Board Meeting that had been notified.


If a meeting of the Board cannot be held for want of quorum, then, unless the articles otherwise provide, the meeting automatically stands adjourned till the same day in the next week, at the same time and place, or if that day is a public holiday, till the next succeeding day which is not a public holiday, at the same time and place.


For adjournment for any reason other than the above or where the inconclusive Board Meeting had not fixed a date and time for the adjourned meeting to be held, a notice is usually given to the Directors to hold such adjourned meeting.


Adjournment of Meeting


S. 288-Notice of an adjourned meeting




Anand 388001,

Dated the ____2003


Shri XYZ

Anand 388001,


Dear Sir,


Please take notice that the meeting of the Board of Directors of the Company which was held on_____the____2003 _____,and adjourned to a date to be determined by the Chairman of the meeting, has now been decided to be held on _____the____2003_____at____a.m./p.m.______at the registered office of the Company to transact the businesses which were left incomplete at the said Board Meeting held on the ____2003,____


Yours faithfully,




Notice/communication other than in connection with Board Meeting (S. 257)


Section 257 of the Companies Act provides for notice to be served on the company proposing appointment to the office of Director at any General Meeting of the company (other than a retiring Director by normal rotation) either by the candidate himself or by some member, not less than fourteen days before the meeting of the company.


Notice at the instance of a director


S. 286-Notice at the instance of a director




Anand 388001,

Dated the ____,2003____,



            Shri XYZ

            Anand 388001,


Dear Sir,


I have been directed by Shri ____a Director of the Company, pursu­ant to article 146 of the Articles of Association to convene a meeting of the  Board of Directors. Accordingly a meeting of the Board of Directors will be held at the registered office of the Company at Anand,388001,on______the_____2003____at_____a.m/p.m. to consider the business as per the enclosed agenda.


You are requested to make it convenient to attend the meeting.


Yours faithfully,




Encl : as above.


Notice to Directors of Special Board Meeting


S. 286-Notice of Special Board Meeting





Dated the____,2003____,




Shri XYZ

Anand 388001,


Dear Sir,


I have to inform you that a special Board Meeting of the Directors of the company  will be held at _____at_____ P.M. on the _______day of _____2003 for the purpose of considering the following business, namely


THAT ordinary meeting of the board be held on the (first and third Wednesdays) in every month at the company's office, at ___P.M. and that the secretary sends to each meeting, a list of the matters then on the agenda for consideration at such meeting.


Yours faithfully,




Dated _____2003.


Appointment of Director


S. 257- Notice served by a member intending to propose Mr. VKW to the office of Director


                                                                                                                                    Dated the ____,2003_____,




            Anand 388001,


Dear Sirs,


As I intend to move a resolution at the next Annual General Meeting of the Company to the effect that Mr. be appointed a Director of the Company, I, a member of the Company, hereby give you notice within the meaning of section 257 of the Companies Act, 1956, of my intention to move the  following resolution


"RESOLVED that Mr. be and is hereby appointed a Director of the Company whose period of office shall be liable to de­ termination by retirement of Directors by rotation."


            I enclose a draft No _____dated_______ payable  at________ for Rs. 500/-.


My folio No. is _______________________________________________________


Yours faithfully,

(X Y Z)

 Encl : as above


Consent to act as Director of the company [S. 264(l)]


Every person who has been proposed as a Director (other than a Director retiring by rotation) and for which a notice has been served on the company under section 257 of the Act, must intimate his consent in writing to the company to act as Director, if appointed.


Consent of the Director to be charged by the Board with the responsibility of complying with provisions of the Act


S. 5(f) -Consent given by a Director to be charged with the responsibility of complying with the provisions of the Act


Form No. 1-AB




            Anand 388001,


Dear Sirs,


I, XYZ son of ABC a Director hereby give my consent for being charged by the Board of Directors of the company above named with the responsibility, of complying with the under mentioned provisions of the Companies Act, 1956.

            1.  ____________

            2 . ____________

            3 . ____________





            Dated this _____day of______ 2003



Candidature of Director


S. 257-Notice signifying candidature of Directors






            X and Co. Ltd.


Dear Sirs,


With reference to the notice served on you by Shri ________signifying his intention to propose my name for the office of the Director at the Annual  General Meeting to be held on ________I hereby give my consent to act as a Director, if elected at that Annual General Meeting.


Your faithfully,

Dated   (A.B.)


Candidature for Directorship


S. 257 -Notice of company disclosing candidature for Directorship





Notice is hereby given, that a notice under section 257 of the Companies Act, has been duly lodged with the company by M/s. X.Y. AND VW. intending to propose the name of Mr. A.B. for election as a Director of the company at the Annual General Meeting scheduled to be held on _________


By order of the Board

Dated ________





Notice giving consent


S. 264-Notice giving consent To.



            Anand 388001,


Dear Sirs,


1, the undersigned, hereby testify my consent, pursuant to section 264(l) of the Companies Act, 1956, to act, if appointed as Director of the aforesaid company and I certify and declare that I have not been disqualified to act as a Director under section 267 or 274 of the Companies Act, 1956.


1. Name and surname                            _____________

            (in full)

2. Address                                            New Delhi- 110 008

3. Description :

            (Father's name)

4. Occupation                                        Business Executive

5. Date of Birth                                     1st March, 1946

6. Nationality                                         Indian


Dated the ________,2003 ______


New Delhi- 110 008.


Change of situation of Registered Office


S. 146-Notice of Situation/Change of Situation of Registered Office




Registration No   _____________.

Nominal capital Rs. ____________




(Pursuant to section 146)


Name of the company  _____________.

Notice is hereby given that­


1. (a) the registered office of the company is situated _____with effect from _____(date)

(b) the situation of the registered office of the company was changed from _____to____ with effect from ____        (date)


2.         Situation of registered office falls under the jurisdiction of __________ (name of police station).


Signature _____________

Name _______________

    (In Block Capitals)

Designation ___________


            Dated the ____day of_____2003______



Application for change of Company Status


Sec. 31(l)-Public Notice for change of company status



Registrar of Companies NCT of Delhi and Haryana-Application for

Change of Company Status under Section 31 (1) of the

Companies Act, 1956


An application has been made to the Registrar of Companies, NCT of Delhi and Haryana for grant of permission changing the company status from Limited to Private Limited.


Any person whose interest, if any, is affected by such changes may oppose the application within three weeks from the date of the publication of Notice to Di­rector, Company Law Board, Northern Region, Kanpur.


Place: New Delhi,                                                                                                                     By order of the Board

Dated:                                                                                                                                      Director


Increase in Filing Fee of Foreign Companies


Rule 20 of the Companies (Central Government's) General Rules and Forms, 1956 has been amended to increase the fee to be paid to the Registrar of Companies for registering any document relating to a foreign company from Rs. 1,000/- to Rs. 5,000/- by Notification No. GSR 330(E), dated 7-5-2003.



Foreign Company


Ss. 593, 594 and 597- Notice on behalf of a Foreign Company





Registration No ._____________

Nominal capital Rs ____________.


Notice of (A) alteration in the names and addresses of persons resident in India authorised to accept service on behalf of a foreign company, (B) alteration in the address of principal place of business in India of a foreign company, (C) list of places of business established by a foreign company in India, (D) cessation to have a place of business in India.


(Pursuant to sections 593(d), (e), 594(3), 597(3))


Name of the company ______

Country of incorporation ______


The above named foreign company, having established an office of business in India at_______ hereby gives notice­


(A) of the alteration in the names and addresses of persons resident in India authorised to accept service on behalf of the company:


Present name and                                  Usual residential                                                Remarks as to

surname in full                                       address                                                             alteration (give date)


(1)                                                        (2)                                                        (3)



(B) of the alteration in the address of principal place of business of the company in India­


The principal place of business in India was shifted from ______to ______with effect from


(C) of the places of business in India as at ____(I)




(D) (1)  that it ceased to have a place(s) of business in India at the following places since _______


(2) that the company is not maintaining' place of business at any other place in India.



Signature ___________

Name _____________

(In Block Capitals)

 Designation ____________


Dated the_____ day of_____2003______.


Notes : 1. The date up to which the balance-sheet and profit and loss account required to be delivered to the Registrar of Companies pursuant to section 594(l) of the Companies Act, 1956 are made out.


2. Portion not relevant should be deleted.


3. Signature or signatures of one or more persons authorised under section 592(l)(d) of the Companies Act, 1956, or of some person in India duly authorised by the company."


Notice filing consent to act as Director with the Registrar of Companies and notice of disclosure of interest


Section 264(2) of the Companies Act requires that no person, on being appointed a Director other than a retiring Director or an Additional or alternate Director or a Director filling a casual vacancy or a Director named in the articles shall act as a Director of the company unless he has within thirty days of his appointment signed and filed with the Registrar his consent in writing to act as such Director. For the purpose of this section, Form No. 29 has been prescribed under the Companies (Central Government's) General Rules and Forms, 1956.


On being appointed a Director, a person has to notify his concern or interest to the company at a meeting of the Board of Directors. The statutory provisions in this regard encompass a number of sections, such as, sections 297, 299, 301, 303, 307, and 308. Under paragraphs 9, 10 and 18 of the Form of Compliance Certificate appended to the Companies (Compliance Certificate) Rules, 2001 applicable to companies having paid-up share capital of less than Rs. 2 Crores but equal to or more than Rs. 10 lakhs, a Compliance Certificate from a secretary in whole-time practice to be filed with the Registrar of Companies has to be obtained mentioning therein inter alia that the company has duly complied with the provisions of section 297 of the Act in respect of contracts specified in that section and that the company has made necessary entries in the register maintained under section 301 of the Act and that the directors have disclosed their interest in other firms/companies to the Board of Directors pursuant to the provisions of the Act and the rules made there under. The information that the newly appointed Director has to convey under the aforesaid sections may be condensed into one form as under


Disclosure of Interest


Ss. 297, 299, 301, 303 and 307-Notice of Disclosure of Interest


                                                                                                                                    Dated the ____2003____


                        M/s. RUSHABH MANAGEMENT & INFOSYS.,

                        Anand 388001,


Dear Sirs,


As required under the Companies Act, 1956, I hereby give you notice as follows:


            A.        Section 303:

                        (1)        Name in full                              _____________

                        (2)        Former name                            NIL

                        (3)        Father's name                           ____________

                        (4)        Usual residential address            ____________

(5)        Date of birth                             1st March, 1952

(6)        Present nationality                     Indian

(7)        Nationality of origin                   Same as above

(8)        Business or occupation              Business Executive

(9)        Names of public and private       Please see

                                    companies of which I am a        Annexure 'A'


(10)      Names of companies of General Manager of M/s. ABC & which I am a Managing Di- Company Ltd. rector/Manager/Secretary


I have not been nominated to the office of the Director by any firm or body corporate.


B.        Sections 297, 299 and 301


(a)        I hereby give notice that I am/I                           Nil

            am not a partner in (any) firm


(b)        I am Director of the companies                          Please see

specified in Annexure 'A' hereto                         Annexure 'A'



(c)        Bodies corporate of which I am                          Please see

            a member and I am accordingly                          Annexure 'B'

            to be regarded as concerned or

            interested in any contract or ar­

            rangement which may, after the

            date of this notice, be entered

            into with any of such companies

            or bodies corporate


(d)        I hereby give notice that I have                          Nil

(I have no) relative employed under

the company (names and addresses)


(e)                I also declare that in none of the

companies in which I hold shares,

does my holding exceed two per cent

of the paid-up share capital of the

respective companies


C.        Sections 307 and 308:            None


I do not have any shares or debentures in the company or in any of its subsidiaries or its holding company.


I shall be obliged if you kindly have this notice and the Annexures read at the Board Meeting next following the date hereof.


Yours faithfully,



Encls : As above


Renewal of general notice of interest [S. 299(3)(b)]


Every Director, on being appointed, has to give a notice to the company, of his interest, whether direct or indirect, in a contract or arrangement, or proposed contract or arrangement, entered into or to be entered into, by or on behalf of the company. He should, in such notice, disclose his nature of interest, at a meeting of the Board of Directors.


For the above purpose, disclosure made at the first meeting of the Board after the Director becomes concerned or interested, may be sufficient, if given through a general notice, a specimen of which is given above. It should be noted that pursuant to section 299(3)(b), any general notice expires at the end of the financial year in which it is given, but it may be renewed for further periods of one financial year at a time, by a fresh notice given in the last month of the financial year in which it would otherwise have expired.


Interested Director


S. 299 -Notice by the interested Director





(Pursuant to section 299)



            The Board of Directors

 Of _____________



I, ______  son of ______resident of _____hold­ing ______shares (equity or preference of Rs ____per cent of the paid-up capital) in the company in my name, hereby give notice that I am interested di­rectly/through my relative(s) in the following companies.


Name of the companies/firms                                                                                         Nature of interest


            1___________                                                                                                1___________

            2___________                                                                                                2___________

3___________                                                                                                3___________                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   




                                                                                                                                    (In Block Capitals)


Dated the _____day of_____2003_____..


Fresh General notice of interest


S. 299-Renewal of general notice of interest


                                                                                                                                    Dated the _____2003_____




Anand 388001,


Dear Sirs,


Pursuant to the provisions of section 299(3)(b) of the Companies Act, 1956, I hereby give you fresh general notice that I am Director and member of the companies mentioned in the Annexures 'A' and 'B' hereto, respectively, and that I am to be regarded as interested in the contracts or arrangements which may be entered into with the companies concerned. I am/I am not a partner of the firm __________/or any firm. Kindly ensure that this is placed and read at the next meeting of the Board of Directors of the company.


Yours faithfully,



Encl : As above



Change in the Directorship occurring during the year (S. 305)


For any change that may occur during the year, in the Directorship held by a Director, it is necessary to inform the companies about such change immediately.


Provisions have been made under section 305 of the Act for every Director, Managing Director, Manager or Secretary of any company who is appointed to or relinquishes the office of Director, Managing Director, Manager or Secretary of any other body corporate to notify within twenty days of the change the particulars thereof to the respective bodies corporate. Failure to do so shall be punishable with fine which may extend to Rs. 5,000/-.-



Intimation consequent to change in interest


S. 305-Further intimation consequent to change in interest


                                                                                                                                    Dated the _____2003_____.





Anand 388001,


Dear Sirs,


Pursuant to the provisions of section 305 of the Companies Act, 1956, I hereby give notice that I have been appointed as a Director of M/s. ABC & Company Limited with effect from the_____.2003 ,_____whose registered office is situ­ated at ______.


Kindly amend the Register of Directors and Register of Contracts of the company accordingly. Thanking you in anticipation.


Yours faithfully,



Relinquishing office


Relinquishing any office of Director, Managing Director, Manager or Secretary, in the same way, has to be notified to the respective body corporate where such person is holding the position of a Director, Managing Director, Manager or Secretary.



Relinquishment of office


S. 305-Notice of Relinquishment of Office


                                                                                                                                    Dated the _____2003,_____





Anand 388001,


Dear Sirs,


Pursuant to the provisions of section 305 of the Companies Act, 1956, I hereby give you notice that I ceased to be a Director of M/s. XYZ & Company Limited _____effective from the_____.2003


Kindly amend your register of Directors and register of contracts accordingly. Thanking you in anticipation.


Yours faithfully,




Change in the designation of a director to manager, managing or whole-time director or any other


If there is a change in the designation of a director from an ordinary director to additional or alternate director or director in casual vacancy or vice versa or to managing or whole-time director or vice versa, it has to be notified to all the companies/body c6rporates where such person is holding the position of a director, managing director or whole time director.




Change in Designation of a director


S. 305-Change in Designation of a director


            Dated the          2003




            Anand 388001


Dear Sirs,

            I hereby inform that I have become _____in____Company Ltd. with effect from


Please carry out the necessary changes in the Company's Register of Directors and Register of Contracts.


Thanking you in advance


Yours faithfully,





Notification of any change in the name of the body corporate


S. 303-Noticefor change in the name of body corporate


Dated the _____2003,_____.




            Anand 388001


Dear Sirs,


I hereby give you notice that with the approval of the Central Government, the name of M/s. BCD & Company Limited, of which I am a Director, has been changed to CDE & Company Ltd. as from the _____.2003


Kindly amend your Register of Directors and register of contracts accordingly.


Yours faithfully,



Resignation or retirement


S. 303 -Notice for Resignation or Retirement


                                                                                                                                    Dated the _____.2003,_____.



            Anand 388001


Dear Sirs,


Due to unavoidable circumstances, I hereby tender my resignation from the Board of Directors of your company with immediate effect.


I shall be obliged if the Board of Directors of the company consider my resignation at the earliest and communicate its acceptance thereof.


I hereby convey my felicitation to all the members of the Board for the unstinted faith and co-operation I have received during the tenure of my directorship.


Yours faithfully,



Effect of Resignation


When a director resigns from his directorship such resignation takes effect from the date of resignation and he ceases to be on the Board of Directors of the Company from that date. S.B. Shankar v. Amman Steel Corporation, (2003) 110 Com Cases 50 (Mad).



Re-appointment of Managing Director


S.640-B-Notice pertaining to re-appointment of Managing Director




Notice is hereby given to the members of the Company pursuant to Section 640-B of, the Companies Act, 1956, that the Company intends to apply to the Central Government for its approval under Sections 269, 309 and other applicable provisions of the Companies Act, 1956, to the re-appointment of Shri SKM and AKM as Managing Directors with affect from 1st September, 2003, on terms and conditions contained in resolution adopted at a Board Meeting of the Company held on 30th July, 2003, and at the Annual General Meeting of the Company held on 27th August, 2003.


Any person having any objection to the above proposal may communicate his objection in writing duly substantiated to the Secretary, Department of Company Affairs, within 30 days of the publication of this notice.


By Order of the Board

      For ABC Limited



Regd. Office:





Payment of Commission to Directors


S. 640-B-Notice for payment of commission of 1% to directors




Notice is hereby given pursuant to the provisions of section 640-B of the Com­panies Act, 1956 that the Company proposes to submit an application to the Central Government pursuant to sections 309 and 310 and other applicable provisions of the said Act, for approval of the proposal to pay commission in addition to prescribed sitting fees of 1% of the net profits of the Company computed as per sections 198 and 309 of the said Act to its resident non-whole-time directors including alternate directors as per the approval of the members of the company at the 35th Annual General Meeting held on 24th July, 2003 for a period of 5 years commencing from 1st April, 2003.


For XYZ Co. Ltd.

6th October, 2003.                                                                                                                                 SKP

Company Secretary



Objection to Re-appointment of Managing Director


S. 640-B r/w Rule 20-A(2)-Notice of objection to the proposal of Re-ap­pointment of Managing Director




The Secretary,



Re: Objection to the proposal of Re-appointment of Managing Director


Dated ______




            In response to the publication of notice on _____in_____ newspaper given under section 640-B with regard to re-appointment of Shri __________. as managing director of M/s RUSHABHA MANAGEMENT & INFOSYS, I hereby communicate my objec­tion to the said re-appointment due to the following reasons, among others:­


The aforesaid objection may please be considered in dealing with the application of approval of the said re-appointment of Shri managing director of M/s RUSHABHA MANAGEMENT & INFOSYS,


Thanking you,


Yours faithfully






Appointment of Whole-time Director


S. 640-B-Notice pertaining to appointment of whole-time Director




Pursuant to Section 640B of the Companies Act, 1956 notice is hereby given to the members of the Company that the Company intends to make an application to the Central Government for its approval under Section 269 and other applicable provisions, if any, of the said Act for the appointment of Shri SKM as the whole time Director of the Company for the period of 5 years w.e.f. 5th September, 2000 at a remuneration and subject to the terms and conditions as approved by the shareholders in the Extraordinary General Meeting held on 20-9-2003.


By order of the Board

For ABC LTD Director

Dated,_____                                                                                                                           (Secretary)



Reappointment of whole-time Executive Director


Ss. 269, 310, 311 and S. 640B-Public Notice for re-appointment of whole-time executive director


ABC Limited


Regd. and Head Office ____________




Notice is hereby given that pursuant to Section 640-B of the Companies Act, 1956, the Company intends to apply to the Central Government for the approval under Sections 269, 310 and 311 of the Companies Act, 1956 to re-appointment of whole-time Executive Director of the Company with effect from …..for a period of 5 years on such terms and remunera­tion as approved by the shareholders at their Annual General Meeting held on_____and for payment of minimum remuneration.


Place:                                                                                                               By Order of the Board of Directors


Date:                                                                                                                Managing Director


Appointment of managerial personal (Ss. 269, 310, 311)


Before any application is made by a company to the Central Government under sections 269, 310 and 311 of the Act there shall be issued by or on behalf of the company a general notice to the members thereof, indicating the nature of the application proposed to be made.


Such notice shall be published at least once in a newspaper in the principal language of the district in which the registered office of the company situate and circulating in that district and at least once in English in a English newspaper circulating in that district.


Copies the notices, together with a certificate by the company as to the due publication thereof, shall be attached to the application along with document evidencing payment of requisite application fee as prescribed under the Companies (Fees on Applications) Rules, 1999.


Refusing re-appointment (S. 256)


At least two-thirds of the Directors in the Board should be directors who are to retire by rotation every year and at every Annual General Meeting one-third out of that two-thirds must retire by rotation. Pursuant to the provisions of section 256 of the Act, the company may fill up the vacancy at an Annual General Meeting at which a Director retires by appointing the retiring director or any other person. The Director retiring by rotation has an inherent right to be re-appointed with the exception of the cases, inter alia where the retiring Director has by a notice in writing addressed to the company or its Board of Directors, expressed his unwillingness to be so reappointed.



Refusal of re-appointment

S. 256-Notice refusing re-appointment


                                                                                                                                                Dated the _____2003



            Anand 388001


Dear Sirs,


Pursuant to the provisions of clause (b)(ii) of sub-section (4) of section 256 of the Companies Act, 1956 I hereby give,-notice that I am not interested in getting re-elected at the ensuing Annual General Meeting of the company at which I shall be retiring by rotation.


I convey my thanks to all the members of the Board for their unstinted cooperation and support endorsed to me that I received during the term of my office as a Director. Thanks, once again,


Yours faithfully,



Failure to file consent with the Registrar


S. 264(2)-Notice failure to file consent with the Registrar




Dated the_____2003,____



            Shri XYZ,


Dear Sirs,


At a meeting of the Board of Directors of the Company held on ______the_____2003____on a review made, it was found that you have not provided the Company with the particulars as per Form No. 29, for the purpose of filing your consent to act at Director with the Registrar of Companies under section 264(2) of the Companies Act, 1956, within thirty days of your appoint­ment.


The Board of Directors is of opinion that because of the aforesaid lapse, you are not to act as a Director of the Company on and from the your appointment as Director is invalid.


Yours faithfully,




Disqualification of Managing Director (S. 267)


Certain persons are not to be appointed or act as such as a Managing Director, or a whole-time Director of a company. Section 267 of the Act specifically provides the grounds that as undischarged insolvent, a person who has suspended payment to the creditor or who has been convicted by a Court of an offence involving moral turpitude shall be debarred either to be appointed or acting as such a Director of a company. This section applies to all companies be it a public or private company.


Besides the provisions under section 267 of the Act, there are other provisions pursuant to sections 202, 203, 274, 283 extending the grounds for disqualification of persons to be appointed, employed or to continue the appointment of a Director.


Rule 4(8) of the Companies (Appointment of Small Shareholder's, Director) Rules, 2001 read with section 252(l) proviso provides that a director elected as a small shareholders' director in public companies having paid-up share capital of Rs. 5 crores or more and having 1000 small shareholders cannot be appointed as a whole-time or managing director.



Disqualification of Managing Director


S. 267(a)-Notice to Managing/Whole- time Director found to be not qualified to act as Director




                                                                                                                                    Dated the _____.2003,_____.




Shri ABC (Managing Director),




Dear Sir,


The Board of Directors of the Company at a meeting held on _____________.the ______2003 considered a copy of the judgment of the High Court at Delhi adjudging you as an insolvent.


The Board of Directors is of the opinion that, pursuant to the provisions of section 267(a) of the Companies Act, 1956, you cease to continue to hold the office of the Managing Director of the Company with effect from the _____________ 2003____


Yours faithfully,




Disqualification of Managing Director


S. 267(b)-Notice to Managing/Whole-time Director not qualified to act as such

                                                                                                                        Dated the _____2003_____



Anand 388001





Shri XYZ (Managing Director)




Dear Sir,


The Board of Directors of the Company has been informed that you have suspended payment to your creditors namely M/s _____of Rs _____ and under section 267(b) of the Companies Act, 1956, the company cannot continue your appointment as a managing director.


            The Board after discussing the matter at its meeting held on _____de­cided to discontinue with your services as the managing director of the company  and requests you to tender your resignation to the Board as soon as possible and before the date of the next board meeting to be held on _____2003.


Yours faithfully,




Disqualification of Managing Director


S. 267(c)-Notice to Managing/Whole- time Director to discontinue his services as such




                                                                                                                                    Dated the _____2003,_____




Shri ABC (Managing Director)




Dear Sirs,


The Board of Directors of the Company has received information that you have been convicted by the Hon'ble High Court of Delhi of an offence involving moral turpitude and under section 276(c) of the Companies Act, 1956, the Company is prohibited from continuing your appointment as the Managing Director of the Company. . The Board at its meeting held on _____2003 decided to request you to step down from the said office of Managing Director of the Company by tender­ing your resignation to the Board.




Yours faithfully,




Disqualification of Director


S. 274(1)(g)(A)-Notice to the Director who is also a director of a public company which has not filed the annual accounts and annual report for a continuous period of three years.




                                                                                                                                    Dated the ______2003_____.




Shri XYZ,



Dear Sir,


We regret to inform you that since M/s. Trade Links Ltd. of which company you are also a director, has not filed annual accounts and annual report of that company for a continuous period of three financial years from 1999-2000, 20002001 and 2001-2003, under section 274(l)(g)(A) of the Companies Act, 1956, you are not capable of being appointed director of our company and therefore our company will not be able to re-appoint you again as the director of the company in its ensuing annual general meeting where you are due to retire by rotation.


We also hereby regret to inform you that you shall not be eligible to be appointed as a director of our company being a public company for a period of five years.


Regrets, once again,


Yours faithfully,




Disqualification of Director


S. 274(1)(g)(B)-Notice to the Director who is also a director of a public company which has failed to repay its deposits or interest thereon on due date








Shri XYZ,


Dear Sir,


We regret to inform you that since M/s. Trade Links Ltd. of which company you are also a director, has failed to repay its fixed deposit to its holders when matured and has also failed to repay interest thereon on due date and such failure has continued for a period of more than one year under the provisions of section 274(l)(g)(B) of the Companies Act, 1956, you are not capable of being appointed director of our company and therefore our company will not be able to re-appoint you again as the director of the company in its ensuing annual general meeting where you are due to retire by rotation.


We also hereby regret to inform you that you shall not be eligible to be appointed as a director of our company being a public company for a period of five years.


Regrets, once again,


Yours faithfully,




Disqualification of Director


S. 274(l)(g)(B)-Notice to the Director who is also a director of a public company which has failed to redeem it debentures on due date




                                                                                                                                                Dated ____2003____.




Shri XYZ,


Dear Sir,


The Board of Directors has been informed that M/s. Trade Links Ltd. of which company you are also a director, has failed to redeem its 10% Redeemable Debentures to its debenture holders on due date and such failure has continued for a period of more than one year.


Under the provisions of section 274(l)(g)(B) of the Companies Act, 1956, you are not capable of being appointed director of our company and therefore our company will not be able to re-appoint you again as the director of the company at its ensuing annual general meeting where you are due to retire by rotation.


We hereby regret to inform you that you shall also not be eligible to be appointed as a director of our company being a public company for a period of five years.


Regrets, once again,


Yours faithfully,




Disqualification of Director


S. 274(1)(g)(B)-Notice to the Director who is also a director of a public company which has failed to pay dividend



                                                                                                                                    Dated ____.2003_____




Shri XYZ,




Dear Sir,


The Board of Directors has been informed that M/s. Trade Links Ltd. of which company you are also a director, has failed to pay dividend to its shareholders holders for a continued period of more than one year.


Under the provisions of section 274(l)(g)(B) of the Companies Act, 1956, you are not capable of being appointed director of our company and therefore our company will not be able to re-appoint you again as the director of the company at its ensuing annual general meeting where you are due to retire by rotation.


We hereby regret to inform you that you shall also not be eligible to be appointed as a director of our company being a public company for a period of five years under proviso to section 274(l)(g)(B).


Regrets, once again,


Yours faithfully,




Vacation of office (S. 283)


Vacation of office by Directors who are to be retired by rotation comes within the provisions of section 283 of the Act which mentions various offences, and provides that on the commitment of any of them, the office of the Director shall be deemed to be vacant.


Committing an offence by Director


S. 283(l)(e)-Notice to the Director committing an offence




                                                                                                                                    Dated the_____2003____




Shri XYZ,


At a review made by the Board of Directors of the Company at its last meeting held on the____2003_____it was considered that you have committed certain defaults which attracts the provisions of section 283(l)(e) of the Compa­nies Act, 1956.


Pursuant to the provisions of the said section, you are, therefore, said to have vacated the office of Director you are holding on the Board of the Company at present, with effect from the_____.2003,_____


Yours faithfully,




Removal of a Director


A company may, subject to the provisions of section 284 of the Act, by ordinary resolution of which 'special notice' has been given, remove any Director before the expiration of the period of office and may by ordinary resolution of which special notice has been given, appoint another person in his stead, if the Director so removed was appointed by the company in General Meeting or by the Board in a casual vacancy under section 262 of the Act.


The main pivot of the operation of removal of either Auditor or Director is the service by a member thereof of a 'special notice'. What construes a special notice has been provided in section 190 of the Act. Provision of special notice in the Companies Act has been made in regard to removal of Auditors under section 225, and removal of a Director under section 284 before the tenure of their respective offices. The Articles of Association of a company may insert additional matters in respect of which special notice may be required.


'Special notice' has been defined under section 190 of the Act as a notice of the intention of a member(s) to move a resolution to deal with matters under the aforesaid sections or for any other matter provided in the articles and to be given to the company not less than fourteen days before the meeting at which it is to be moved, exclusive of the day on which the notice is served and the day of the meeting.


On receipt of such notice, the company must immediately give its members notice of the resolution within not less than seven days in the same manner, as it gives notice of the meeting or if that is not practicable, the company should give them notice either by advertisement in the newspapers or in any other mode allowed by its articles. Companies  are bound to circulate the notice with respect to the removal of the Director concerned, affording him an opportunity to make representations and/or being heard orally at the meeting. The concerned Director's representation, if received in time, is also required to be circulated to all the members.


On hearing the representation made by the outgoing Auditor/Director (as the case may be), the ultimate authority to take action is the members of the company present in General Meeting at which the 'special notice' is to be considered. Thus, the General body of shareholders has been given a great power to remove a Director with whom it is dissatisfied whether such Director is under contract of service or not.


Removal of Director


S. 190/284(2)-'Special notice' to remove a Director


                                                                                                                                    Dated the ____2003_____.






Dear Sirs,


I hereby give you a 'special notice' within the meaning of section 190 of the Companies Act, 1956, of my intention to move at the next Annual General Meeting of the Company the following resolution to be an ordinary resolution for the removal of Mr. XYZ, a Director of your Company, pursuant to section 284 of the Companies Act, 1956:


"RESOLVED that Mr. XYZ, a Director of the Company, whose office is liable to determination by retirement by rotation of Directors, be and hereby removed from the directorship on the Board of Directors of the Company, with effect from


Yours faithfully,





Circulation of Members Resolution


S. 188/190/284-Circulation of Members Resolution


X and Co. Limited

(Regd. Office)


Dated: ______..




NOTICE is hereby given that at the Annual General Meeting of the Company to be held on…..Mr …..a shareholder of the Company intends to move the following resolution of which notice has been received by the company under sections 190 and 284 of the Companies Act, 1956.


"RESOLVED that Mr. A.B. be and is hereby removed from his office as Director of the Company".


A copy of the Special Notice and statement of material facts received from Mr _____are enclosed herewith.


By order of the Board




Removal of Directors


S. 284(3) &(4) -Notice to Directors of resolution for his removal





Mr. J.J.





This is to inform you that the Company has received notice of a resolution proposed to be moved at the Annual General Meeting to be held on _____.for re­ moving you from the office of Director. A copy of the said notice is enclosed for your ready reference.


If you intend to submit any representation in this regard to the Company, kindly ensure that it reaches us on or before so that your representation may be circulated to the members along with the notice of the intended resolu­tion.


Yours faithfully

Dated _____                                                                                                                                        Secretary

Removal of Director and appointment of new Director


S. 284(2)(5)-Notice by members of their proposed resolution to remove a Director and appoint another in his place


From    A. B.







X and Co. Ltd., Dear Sirs,


This is to inform you that we as shareholders of the Company holding _____equity shares of Rs _____each, intend to move at the Annual General Meeting scheduled to be held on the __________a resolution for the removal of Mr. J.J. from the office of Director of the company and to fill up the vacancy covered by his removal by the appointment of Mr. G.H. as Director


Yours faithfully

Dated _____                                                                                                                                        AB-Sd



Vacancy of removed to be filled up as casual vacancy


S. 284(6)-Director to be appointed in casual vacancy where no new director is appointed in place of the removed director





                                                                                                                                    Dated the ____2003_____


            Shri XYZ,


            Dear Sir,


Please be informed that in the annual general meeting held on _____2003, the vacancy created by removal of Mr. J.J. on special notice given by sharehold­ers no director was appointed. Pursuant to sub-section (6) of section 284, the Board of Directors is required to be filled as a casual vacancy and you are selected to be appointed as a director in casual vacancy by the Board of Directors at its meeting to be held on   2003.

            Thanking you,


Yours faithfully,




Consideration of unaudited quarterly financial results


S. 286 read with 41 listing Agreement-Notice of Board Meeting for consid­eration quarterly results


XYZ Co. Ltd.

Corporate and Registered Office,




Pursuant to clause 41 of the Listing Agreement, notice is hereby give that meeting of the Board of Directors of the Company will be held on Friday the 27th August, 2003, at 11.00 A.M. to inter-alia consider and take on record the unaudited Financial Results (provisional) of the Company for the quarter ended 30th June, 2003.


For ABC Co. Ltd.


                                                                                                                                                Company Secretary


Date: 10th August, 2003            


Cavalet India Limited



Status for the project


Published pursuant to clause 41 of the listing agreement


Name of the Company                                                   Cavalet India Limited

Project                                                                          For Manufacture of Leather, PVC and

                                                                                    PU Products

Money collected for the Project through                          Rs. 175.43 lakhs

Public Issue

Money spent for the project                                           Rs. 913.80 lakhs

Cost of the project                                                         Rs. 962.22 lakhs

Amount spent on Building (including                               Rs. 179.07 lakhs

Work- in- Progress)

Amount spent on machinery (including                            Rs. 236.49 lakhs

Work-in -Progress)

Trial run took place in the month of                                 February, 2003

Commercial production will commence in                        September, 2003


            For Cavalet India Limited

                        Managing Director


Date: 6-7-2003




ENDED ____________


Rs. in lakh









Corresponding 3

Year to date

Year to date



Months ended

months in the

figures for

figures for the




previous year

current period

previous year








1. Net sales/income from












2. Other income






3. Total expenditure






(a) Increase/decrease in






           stock in trade






(b) Consumption of raw












      (c) Staff cost






      (d) Other expenditure






          (Any item exceeding






       10 per cent of the total






       expenditure to be






       shown separately).






4. Interest






5. Depreciation






6. Profit(+)Loss(-) before






     tax (1+2-3-4-5)






7. Provision for taxation






8. Net Profit(+)/Loss(-) (6-












9. Paid-up equity share












10. Reserves excluding re-






valuation reserves (as






per balance sheet) of






previous accounting year






to be given in column (5)






11. Basic and diluted EPS






   for the period, for the






year to date and for the






previous year (not to be













Notes :


(a) Any event or transaction that is material to an understanding of the results for the quarter including completion of expansion and diversification programmes, strikes, lockouts, change in management, change in capital structure, etc., shall be disclosed. Similar material event or transactions subsequent to the end of the quarter, the effect whereof is not reflected in the results for the quarter shall also be disclosed.


(b) All material non-recurring/abnormal income/gain and expenditure/loss and effect of all changes in accounting practices affecting the profits materially must be disclosed separately.


(c) In case of companies whose revenues are subject to material seasonal variations, they shall disclose the seasonal nature of their activities and may also supplement their unaudited financial results with information for 12-month periods ended at the interim date (last day of the quarter) for the cur-rent and preceding years on a rolling basis.


(d) Company shall give the following information in respect of dividend paid or recommended for the year including interim dividends declared :


(i) Amount of dividend distributed or proposed distinguishing between different classes of shares and dividend per share also indicating nominal value per share.


(ii) Where dividend is paid or proposed prorata for shares allotted during the year, the date of allotment, number of shares allotted prorata amount of dividend per share and the aggregate amount of dividend paid or proposed on pro-rata basis.


(e) The effect of changes in composition of the company during the quarter, including business combinations, acquisitions or disposal of subsidiaries and long-term investments, restructuring and discounting operations shall be disclosed.


(f) If there is any qualifications by the auditors, in respect of the audited accounts of the previous accounting year which has a material impact on the profit disclosed in such accounts, then the company shall disclose the same along with the unaudited quarterly results and give explanation as to how such qualifications has been addressed in the unaudited financial results.


(g) If the company is yet to commence commercial production, then instead of the quarterly results, the company should give particulars of the status of the project, its implementation and the expected date of commissioning of the project.


(h) The unaudited results sent to stock exchange/s and published in newspapers should be based on the same set of accounting policies as those followed in the previous year. In case, there are changes in the accounting policies, the results of previous year will be recast as per the present accounting policies, to make it comparable with current year results.


Avanti Feeds Limited


In the business of quality prawn feed


Status of the project as on 30th June, 2003 published in accordance with Clause 41 of the Listing Agreement


1. Name                                   Avanti Feeds Limited

(Formerly "Avanti Industries Limited" Change of name effective from 11- 11- 1994)


2. Project                                  Manufacture of Shrimp Feed.

3. Project Progress                    Implementation of the project is complete, Trial pro­duction commenced. Commercial production com­menced from November, 1994.

4. Funds requirement                 All the funds of the project including Working Capi­tal have been tied-up.


for Avanti Feeds Limited


                                    A. Venkateswasa Ray



Date- 10-8-2003


ABC Ltd.


Regd. Office: GIDC Industrial Estate, Valia Road,

Taluka Jhagadia, Dist. Bharuch


Project :          Plant to manufacture 70,000 TPA of Carbon & Alloy Steel Seamless Tubes with in-house Steel manufacturing & Rolling (1,00,000 TPA)


Status of the Project:


(a) Land                                   The Company has obtained allotment of 60 hectares of land from GIDC and taken possession of 20 hectares which is sufficient for erection of the main plant and buildings. The possession of the balance 40 hectares will be given shortly.

(b) Power                                 GEB has sanctioned equisite 45 MVA power for the


(c) Civil Work                           The civil and structural work for the main plant is in an advanced stage of completion. Offsite and utilities construction also is progressing as per schedule. Prog­ress was affected during the unprecedented rains in  Gujarat and the plague epidemic in Surat.

(d) Plant & Machinery               Orders for Plant & Machinery have been placed and the status in respect of each unit is as under:­

Tube Plant                                All the major machinery have been received at site and erection is in an advanced stage of completion.

Steel Plant                                Electric Arc Furnace, Ladle Furnace & Continuous Cast Machines-delivery of machinery and erection have commenced.

Rolling Mill                                Blooming Mill has been received and erection is to  commence shortly.


Despite the delay as aforesaid, the progress of the project is satisfactory. It is expected that the project will be completed by 31-3-1998.


For ABC Limited


R.C. Saraf

                                                                                                        23rd August, 2003

Managing Director


Quarterly unaudited results


S. 286-Board Notice for considering quarterly unaudited results



Regd. Office ANAND 388001


Notice is hereby given that a Meeting of the Board of Directors of the Com­pany will be held on the____ day of_____ 2003 ___at ____A.M./P.M to consider the quarterly unaudited financial results for the period ended______2003,____


                                    RUSHABHA MANAGEMENT & INFOSYS,



Dated the ____day of___2003,_____



Quarterly unaudited financial results  (Another format)


S. 286-Notice of Board Meeting to consider and take on record unaudited financial results




Registered Office: ANAND 388001.


            Dated the ___2003____



            Shri XYZ,


Dear Sir,


Pursuant to clause 41 of the listing agreement, notice is hereby given that a meeting of the Board of Directors of the Company will be held on ____day, the____April, 2003 at the registered office to inter alia consider and take on record the unaudited financial results (provisional) of the Company for the quar­ter/year ended on 31st March, 2003.




Yours faithfully,





Notice of Board Meeting to consider unaudited financial results

(Another Format)


S. 286-Notice of Board Meeting to consider unaudited financial results (Another Format)




Registered Office:

                        ANAND 388001

            Dated the ____2003,____



            Shri XYZ,


Dear Sir,


In accordance with clause 41' of the Listing Agreement notice is hereby given that a meeting of the Board of Directors of the Company will be held on 24th April, 2003, Wednesday, at 11.30 A.M. at _____Nagpur, to consider and take on record Quarterly Unaudited Financial Results for the fourth quarter ended on 31st March, 2003.


Thanking you,


Yours faithfully,




Shareholding Pattern on quarterly basis


As per clause 35 of listing agreement, listed companies are required to file with the Stock Exchange the shareholding pattern on quarterly basis within 15 days of the end of the quarter in the form given below.





No. of

Percentage of




A. Promoters Holding



1. Promoters



-Indian Promoters



-Foreign Promoters



2. Persons acting in concert






B. Non-promoters holding



3. Institutional Investors



(a) Mutual Funds and UTI



(b) Banks, Financial Institutions,



Insurance Companies (Central/State



Government Institutions/Non- Government









(c) FIIs










Note 1 : Name and member of share held and percentage shareholding of entities/persons holding more than I per cent of the shares of the company be given under each head.


Note 2 : Total foreign shareholding in number of shares and percentage shareholding be given as footnote including GDR and ADR holdings.


Note 3 : The Company shall also post this information on its web site.


Preparation of unaudited half yearly results


S. 286-Preparation of unaudited half yearly results




Regd. Office:



Rs. in lakh








3 months ended


3 months in the previous year

Year to date

Figures or Current period

Year to date figures for the previous year

Previous accounting year

1.Net sales/income from operations

2. Other income






3.Total expenditure

(a)Increase/decrease in stock in trade

(b)Consumption of raw materials

(c) Staff cost

(d),Other expenditure

(Any item exceeding10 per cent of the total expenditure to be shown separately).






4. Interest






5. Depreciation






6.Profit(+)/Loss(-) before tax (1+2-3-4-5)






7.Provision for taxation






8.Net Profit(+)/Loss (-)(6-7)






9.,Paid-up equity share capital






10.Reservesexcludingr evaluation reserves(as per balance sheet) Of previous accounting year to be given in column (5)






11.Basic and diluted EPS for the

period, for the year to date and for the pervious year (not to be annualized)






12Aggregate of non promoter shareholding

Number of shares

Percentage of shareholding








Notes :


(a) Any event or transaction that is material to an understanding of the results for the quarter including completion of expansion and diversification programmes, strikes, lockouts, change in management, change in capital structure, etc., shall be disclosed. Similar material event or transactions subsequent to the end of the quarter, the effect whereof is not reflected in the results for the quarter shall also be disclosed.


The disclosure is applicable only for half yearly financial results ending on or after 31st March, 2001. From the half year ending on or after 31st March, 2003, the companies shall also be required to disclose the non-promoter shareholding at the end of the corresponding half year in the previous year and at the end of the previous accounting year. Non promoter shareholding as classified under category B in the shareholding pattern in clause 35 of the Listing Agreement.


(b) All material non-recurring/abnormal income/gain and expenditure/loss and effect of all changes in accounting practices affecting the profits materially must be disclosed separately.


(c) In case of companies whose revenues are subject to material seasonal variations, they shall disclose the seasonal nature of their activities and may also supplement their unaudited financial results with information for 12-month periods ended at the interim date (last day of the quarter) for the current and preceding years on a rolling basis.


(d) Company shall give the following information in respect of dividend paid or recommended for the year including interim dividends declared :


(i) Amount of dividend distributed or proposed distinguishing between different classes of shares and dividend per share also indicating nominal value per share.


(ii) Where dividend is paid or proposed pro-rata for shares allotted during the year, the date of allotment, number of shares allotted pro-rata amount of dividend per share and the aggregate amount of dividend paid or proposed on pio-rata basis.


(e) The effect of changes in composition of the company during the quarter, including business combinations, acquisitions or disposal of subsidiaries and long-term investments, restructuring and discounting operations shall be disclosed.


(f) If there is any qualifications by the auditors, in respect of the audited accounts of the previous accounting year which has a material impact on the profit disclosed in such accounts, then the company shall disclose the same along with the unaudited 'quarterly results and give explanation as to how such qualifications has been addressed in the unaudited financial results.


(g) If the company is yet to commence commercial production, then instead of the quarterly results, the company should give particulars of the status of the project, its implementation and the expected date of commissioning of the project.


(h) The unaudited results sent to stock exchange/s and published in newspapers should be based on the same set of accounting policies as those followed in the previous year. In case, there are changes in the accounting policies, the results of previous year will be recast as per the present accounting policies, to make it comparable with current year results.





Half yearly unaudited working results of listed companies subject to a limited review by the Auditors


"We have reviewed the accompanying statement of unaudited financial results of_____ (name of company) for the period ended ______This statement is the responsibility of the company's management.


A review of interim financial information consists principally of applying analytical procedures for financial data and making inquiries of persons responsible for financial and accounting matters. It is substantially less in scope than an audit conducted in accordance with the generally accepted auditing standards, the objective of which is the expression of an opinion regarding the financial statements taken as a whole. According, we do not express such an opinion.


Based on our review conducted as above, nothing has come to our notice that causes us to believe that the accompanying statement of unaudited financial results has not disclosed the information required to be disclosed in terms of clause 41 of the Listing Agreement including the manner in which it is to be disclosed, or that it contains any mis- statement."



Appointment of Compliance Officer under clause 47 of the Listing Agreement


S. 108-Board Notice for considering the appointment of a senior officer to act as compliance officer


Notice is hereby given to inform all the Board Members that a meeting of the Board of Directors of the Company will be held on the ______day of ____2003 at_____ A.M./P.M. to consider the appointment of Mr. PQR a senior officer of the Company to act as Compliance Officer, who will be responsible for monitoring the share transfer process and make a report to this Board in each meeting pursuant to clause 47 of the Listing Agreement.


Yours faithfully


Dated the ____day of____2003                                                                                                            Secretary




Notice under Buy-back scheme


S. 77A,-Public Notice of purchase of shares from the open market under buyback scheme




Registered Office: ANAND 388001

                                                                                                                        Dated the ___2003,___


            The company has on ____2003 purchased_____ equity shares of Rs. 10/- each from the open market at an average price of Rs. 25/- per share on the Stock Exchange under the buy-back scheme of the company. Till date the

company has bought back _____equity shares. These shares are subject to veri­fication and reconciliation.


Yours faithfully,

                        For RUSHABHA MANAGEMENT & INFOSYS,


                        Compliance Officer


Date ____2003


Place: Anand.


Inserted on 27-7-1998.


Amendment to the Listing Agreement and insertion of new Clause 47


"47. The company agrees­


(a) to appoint a senior officer to act as Compliance Officer who will be responsible for monitoring the share transfer process and report to the Company's Board in each meeting. The compliance officer will directly liase with the authorities such as SEBI, Stock Exchanges, Registrar of Companies etc., and investors with respect to implementation of various clauses, rules, regulations and other directives of such authorities and investor service and complaints of related matter;


(b) to undertake a due diligence survey to ascertain whether the Registrars and Share Transfer Agent/s (RTA) and/or In-house Share Transfer facility, as the case may be, are sufficiently equipped with infrastructure facilities such as adequate manpower, computer hardware and software, office space, documents handling facility, etc., to serve the shareholders;


(c)that it will ensure that the TRA and/or the In-house Share Transfer facility, as the case may be, produces a certificate from a practising Company Secretary within one month of the end of each half of the financial year, certifying that all certificates have been issued within one month of the date of lodgement for transfer, sub-division, consolidation, renewal, exchange or endorsement of calls/allotment monies and a copy of the same shall be made available to the Exchange within 24 hours of the receipt of the certificate by the Company;


(d) to furnish to the Exchange both by way of floppy disks and printed details, within 48 hours of its getting information regarding loss of share certificates and issue of the duplicate certificates;


(e)to maintain copies of Memorandum of understanding entered into with the RTA setting out their mutual responsibilities, at the Registered Office of the company for Public Inspection and the company further agrees to submit within 48 hours a copy of the same to the Exchange for its records".


Committee of directors [S. 292(l) proviso r/w Regulation 77]


According to Regulation 77 of Table 'A' of Schedule I to the Companies Act, the Board of Directors, subject to the provisions of the Companies Act, may form committees of the Board and delegate any of its powers to them, where necessary action is required to be taken and such committees may consist of such member or members as the Board thinks convenient for the management of the company. Usually, following the regulation in Table 'A', power in the Articles of Association of a company is given to the Board of Directors for the formation of committee(s) to carry out day to day functions of the Board. Without an authority given by the articles I the Board of Directors of a company cannot delegate any of its powers to a committee .


            A committee may elect a Chairman of its meetings and if no Chairman is elected or if the Chairman is not present within  five minutes to the meeting, members present may choose one of them as the Chairman . The articles of the company may give directions as to the notice of such meeting of the committee, quorum and other formalities connected with the meeting. In the absence of such details, all the provisions of the Companies Act and the Articles of Association of the company mutatis mutandis are applicable to a committee meeting as those for a meeting of the Board of Directors except that as regards quorum, if no provision is there in the articles, all the members of such committee should be present to form a quorum.


Notice to the members of a committee of the Board of Directors is a statutory requirement and should be served to all the members of a committee in the similar manner as provided in section 286 of the Companies Act (in the absence of contrary provisions in the Articles of Association of the company).


Notice of a committee meeting, like the notice of the meeting of the Board of Directors, need not be in any particular form. It is the usual practice to enclose an agenda of the businesses to be discussed at the meeting, but such notice must notify the date and place of the committee meeting. Unlike the Board of Directors, a committee of Directors, for the purpose of transaction of the business, may meet anywhere, found to be convenient by the members thereof.


Secretarial Standard-1 [ICSI] on Committee Meetings (SS-1)


Paragraph 2.2 of SS- 1 [ICSI] provides that Committees should meet at least as often as stipulated by the Board or as prescribed by any other authority.


Paragraph 3.2 of SS-1 provides that the presence of all the members of any Committee constituted by the Board is necessary to form the Quorum for meetings of such Committee unless otherwise stipulated by the Board while constituting the Committee.


Paragraph 5.2 of SS- 1 [ICSI] provides that the Board, while constituting any Committee, should also appoint the Chairman of that Committee, unless such appointment is to be made in pursuance of any other applicable guidelines, rules or regulations.



Committee of Directors' Meeting


S. 291(l) Proviso-Notice of Share Transfer Committee Meeting of the Board



                                                                                                            Anand 388001                                                                                                                                       Dated ___________



Shri XYZ


Anand 388001


Dear Sir,


Notice is hereby given that a meeting of the Share Transfer Committee of the Board of Directors of the Company will be held at the registered office of the Company at Anand388001 on____ at_____ a.m./p.m. to consider the share transfers numbering ____to____ received by the Company from ____


Your faithfully,




Note :  Each director of the share transfer committee should be addressed individually.



Audit Committee Meeting


S. 292A-Notice of Audit Committee Meeting of the Board of Directors



                                                                                                                                                Anand 388001

Dated ________




Shri XYZ

Anand 388001


Dear Sir,


Notice is hereby given that a meeting of the Audit Committee of the Board of Directors of the Company will be held at the registered office of the Company on __________.    at 10.30 A.M. to consider the following:­


1.         Review of Half Yearly Financial Statements to be submitted to the Board of Directors.

2.         Reviewing with the Auditors of the Company about adequacy of internal control system.

3.         Reviewing the company's financial and risk management policies.

4.         To look into the reasons for substantial defaults in the payment to the depositors, debenture holders and creditors.


Thanking you,


Your faithfully,




Remuneration Committee Meeting


S. 292(l) Proviso read with Schedule XIII Part II Section II-Notice of Remuneration Committee Meeting of the Board of Directors




Anand 388001

Dated _________



Shri ABC

Anand 388001


Dear Sir,


Notice is hereby given that a meeting of the Remuneration Committee of the Board of Directors of the Company will be held at the registered office of the Company on ____day at 11.30 A.M. to consider and determine on its be­half and on behalf of the shareholders of the Company the payment of remunera­tion to be paid to Mr._____ and Mr.____ the managing director and whole-time director of the Company in accordance with Schedule XIII of the Companies Act, 1956.


Your faithfully,

